SQL/MX Remote Conversational Interface (RMXCI) Guide for SQL/MX Release 3.1 (H06.23+, J06.12+)

Setting the Look-and-Feel Type
You can set the look-and-feel option either from a command-line prompt or in the user profile.
To set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable for each session in a command-line prompt:
Run the following command from the client terminal window:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-DrmxciLF=look-and-feel-type
where: look-and-feel-type is one of the “Supported Look-and-Feel Types” (page 18).
For example:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-DrmxciLF=SQLPlus
To return to the default look-and-feel, set the -DrmxciLF property value to RMXCI. If you
specify an invalid value, a warning message appears and the property value is set to RMXCI.
To set the look-and-feel in the user profile, complete the following steps:
1. In the /home directory, open the user profile (.profile or .bash_profile for the
Bash shell). For example:
/home:vi .profile
2. Add this export command (or a setenv command for the C shell) to the user profile.
export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-DrmxciLF=look-and-feel-type
look-and-feel-type is one of the “Supported Look-and-Feel Types” (page 18). For
export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-DrmxciLF=SQLPlus
3. To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or run the user profile command.
For example:
/home:. .profile
To return to the default look-and-feel, set the -DrmxciLF property value to RMXCI.
NOTE: If you do not set a look-and-feel type, the default is RMXCI.
Setting the trace option
You can set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable -Drmxci.enableTrace to enable the
display of stacktrace output on the console for exceptions. To set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment
variable for each session, run the following command at the command-line prompt:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-DrmxciLF.enableTrace
Testing the RMXCI launch
To test the installation, launch RMXCI and verify that you can connect to the database. For
instructions, see Chapter 3 (page 22).
The following is a sample output on successfully connecting to the database:
20 Installing RMXCI