SQL/MX Remote Conversational Interface (RMXCI) Guide for SQL/MX Release 3.1 (H06.23+, J06.12+)

SET MARKUP command
The set markup command sets the markup format and controls how results are displayed by
The supported options enable results to be displayed in XML,HTML,CSV(Comma Separated
Values) and COLSEP formats. The default format is RAW.
You must enter the command in one line.
If the markup format is CSV or COLSEP, the column header information and status messages
are not displayed.
If markup format is not specified, RMXCI selects the default format, RAW.
For the XML and HTML markup format, the syntax and interface errors have been reformatted
so that consistent XML and HTML markup appears. Specific characters are escaped when the
markup is set to XML or HTML. For XML markup, any occurrence of “]]>” that appear in the
error message or invalid query are replaced with “]]>”. When error messages are displayed
as HTML markup, both the “>” (greater than) and “<” (less than) symbols are replaced with
their escaped versions: “>” and <”, respectively.
The following command specifies that results must be displayed in HTML format:
SQL>set markup html
SQL>select c.custnum, c.custnum, ordernum, order_date
+>from customer c, orders o where c.custnum=o.custnum;
<!--select c.custnum, c.custname,ordernum,order_date
from customer c, orders o where c.custnum=o.custnum;-->
SET MARKUP command 89