TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Commands and Responses
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
Tokens in Command Buffer
specifies the TMF process for which the configuration attributes are to be returned.
This token is optional; multiple occurrences are allowed. If this token is not
present, information about all process types is returned. The following values are
Process Type
AuditDump Audit dump process, which dumps audit-trail files to disk or
AuditRestore Audit restore process, which restores audit dumps from disk
or tape
Backout Backout process, which undoes the affects of incomplete
Catalog Catalog process, which manages the TMF catalog
CopyAuditOvflow Overflow process, which writes audit-trail files to overflow-
audit volumes
FileRecovery File recovery process, which reconstructs unusable audit-
trail files during recovery operations
FileRecvList File recovery list process, which supports the file recovery
OnlineDump Online dump process, which dumps audited database files
to tape or disk
OnlineRestore Online restore process, which restores online dumps from
tape or disk
TmfLib TMF library process, which runs the system library routines
that have primary responsibility for controlling transactions
within a single system
TmfMon Resident monitor process, which is responsible for highest-
priority, performance-critical operations
TmfMon2 TMFMON surrogate process that provides a processing
environment for operations and accepts requests from
Tmp TMF management process pair that coordinates distributed
VolumeRecovery Volume recovery process that recovers database files to
their most recent consistent state if they become
inconsistent because of a disk volume or system failure