TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Commands and Responses
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
specifies at what point the recovery operation should end.
File recovery terminates when the first audit record for purging any file in
the specified file sets is encountered; the purge record is not reapplied.
File recovery does not terminate early based on a purge record.
If you omit this field, its default value is ZSPI-VAL-False.
If you include ZToFirstPurge, you must make new online dumps of the
database files recovered; this prevents subsequent file recovery from using the
unwanted audit records generated after the specified time.
directs that file recovery redo all transactions committed before the specified
time. Transactions that began before the specified time but were not yet
committed are backed out. The database is recovered to the time specified,
rather than to the most recent consistent state. Be certain to enter the date
and time for this option completely and accurately.
If the ZFromArchive token is not specified but the ZTimeStamp value is, then
the ZFromArchive token gets a default value of TRUE.
If you include ZTimeStamp, you must make new online dumps of the database
files recovered; this prevents subsequent file recovery from using the
unwanted audit records generated after the specified time.
If you omit ZTimeStamp, the time at which you issue the RECOVER FILES
command is used for the file recovery operation.
specifies the node on which all tape or disk media used for restoring online
dumps are mounted. The default is the home (local) node. If you specify a
remote node, Guardian labeled-tape processing must be enabled on that node
and must be running on release C30 or later of the NonStop OS. TMF,
however, need not be configured or running on the remote node.
Caution. When you issue a RECOVER FILES command to initiate file recovery to a
timestamp, and the time listed in the TMF catalog is not the time that the online dump actually
took place, you risk destruction of your database because you probably will not recover all the
data you need.