TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Event Messages
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
Descriptions of Event Messages
139: ZTMF-EVT-DV-DisableRecovFail
The specified data volume failed to start due to a fatal error during volume recovery.
Additional Unconditional Tokens
identifies the TMF process that generated the event. For this event, the value of
this token is ZTMF-VAL-PROC-TMP.
is the subject token of the event message, and it contains the name of the data
volume that failed to start.
The data volume is not available for transaction processing.
Recommended Action
See the previous volume recovery events for more information.
Additional Unconditional Tokens
ZTMF-TKN-EVTHDR-ProcessType token-type ZSPI-TYP-Enum.
ZTMF-TKN-VolumeName token-type ZSPI-TYP-String.
ZEMS-TKN-Emphasis token-type ZSPI-TYP-Boolean.
Event-Message Text
Data Volume ZTMF-TKN-VolumeName failed to start due to a
fatal error during Volume Recovery. The volume will be
disabled. See the previous Volume Recovery events for more