TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Event Messages
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
Descriptions of Event Messages
198: ZTMF-EVT-FRList-VolNotConfig
TMF could not search the specified volume during a RECOVER FILES operation. The
volume is either not configured or not started as a TMF data volume.
Additional Unconditional Tokens
identifies the TMF process that generated the event. The value of this token for
is the subject token of the event message, and contains the name of the affected
database table or file.
contains an integer specifying a file-system error number.
is set to False for this event.
File recovery is not attempted.
Recommended Action
If the volume has files that need to be recovered, use a STATUS DATAVOLS command
to determine why the volume is not started for TMF processing. Resolve the problem
and reissue the RECOVER FILES command for the volume. If the volume does not
contain files to be recovered, consider removing it from future RECOVER FILES
commands to avoid this event.
Additional Unconditional Tokens
ZTMF-TKN-EVTHDR-ProcessType token-type ZSPI-TYP-Enum.
ZTMF-TKN-FRlist-FileName token-type ZSPI-TYP-String.
ZTMF-TKN-Fs-Error token-type ZSPI-TYP-Int.
ZEMS-TKN-Emphasis token-type ZSPI-TYP-Boolean.
Event-Message Text
The volume ZTMF-TKN-FRlist-FileName is currently not
started as a TMF data volume. The File System error -
ZTMF-TKN-Fs-Error was returned as a result of the search by
the TMFFRLS process on behalf of the File Recovery operation.