TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Event Messages
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
Descriptions of Event Messages
specifies the component for which status is being reported. The values are:
specifies the status for the designated component. The values are:
is set to True for this event.
1 AuditTrailMgmt
2 DataVolMgmt
3 FileRecovMgmt
4 ProcessMgmt
5 OnlineDumpMgmt
6 ResourceManager
11 BackoutMgmt
12 CatalogMgmt
13 ControlPtMgmt
14 MatWriteMgmt
15 ScanTrailsMgmt
16 TmpNetMgmt
17 TranCtrlMgmt
18 TranEventMgmt
19 VolRcovMgmt
Starting ZTMF-VAL-CompStarting Value Is 1
Started ZTMF-VAL-CompStarted Value Is 2
Start failed ZTMF-VAL-CompStartFailed Value Is 3
Stopping ZTMF-VAL-CompStopping Value Is 4
Stopped ZTMF-VAL-CompStopped Value Is 5