TMF Management Programming Manual (H06.05+)

Error and Warning Messages
HP NonStop TMF Management Programming Manual540140-002
486 ZTMF-ERR-TooManyFSetDefaults
For a DUMP FILES, INFO DUMPS, or RECOVER FILES command, the user
included more than one ZTMF-TKN-FileSetDefault token in the command buffer.
No error list is returned in the response.
487 ZTMF-ERR-InvMaxPioBufValue
The ZMaxPioPerBuffer field within the ZPioBuffer token of an ALTER TMF
command contained an invalid value. TMFCOM was expecting an integer in the
range 1 to 200.
No error list is returned in the response.
488 ZTMF-ERR-InvPioTimerValue
The ZPioDelayTimer field within the ZPioBuffer token of an ALTER TMF
command contained an invalid value. TMFCOM was expecting an integer in the
range 10000 to 2000000.
No error list is returned in the response.
489 ZTMF-ERR-InvGoRemoteValue
The ZGoRemote token of an ALTER TMF command contained an invalid
value. TMFCOM was expecting ZTMF-VAL-GoRemote-Msg, ZTMF-VAL-
GoRemote-Pio, or ZTMF-VAL-GoRemote-PioPri.
No error list is returned in the response.
490 ZTMF-ERR-InvDiscoTimerValue
The ZNetDisconnectTimer token of an ALTER TMF command contained an
invalid value. TMFCOM was expecting an integer in the range 30 to 1020.
No error list is returned in the response.
491 ZTMF-ERR-InvSesIdleTmrValue
The ZNetSessionIdleTimer token of an ALTER TMF command contained an
invalid value. TMFCOM was expecting an integer in the range 300 to 1020.
No error list is returned in the response.
493 ZTMF-ERR-FileSetFileNotFound
For a DUMP FILES, INFO DUMPS, or RECOVER FILES command, a file
specified within a file of filenames was not found, or is inaccessible (possibly
due to a user having it open for write access).
No error list is returned in the response.