TMF Planning and Configuration Guide (H06.05+)

About This Guide
HP NonStop TMF Planning and Configuration Guide540136-002
Notation Conventions
Distributed Systems Management/Software Configuration Manager (DSM/SCM)
Event Management Service (EMS)
File Utility Program (FUP)
Measure Subsystem
Surveyor Subsystem
Various programming languages, including COBOL85, Pathway SCREEN COBOL,
FORTRAN, TAL, Pascal, C, C++, and SQL (NonStop SQL/MP implementation).
Notation Conventions
Hypertext Links
Blue underline is used to indicate a hypertext link within text. By clicking a passage of
text with a blue underline, you are taken to the location described. For example:
This feature is not configurable; if it causes transactions to be aborted that should
not be aborted, you must increase audit trail capacity as described in Increasing
Audit-Trail Capacity.
Change Bar Notation
Change bars are used to indicate substantive differences between this edition of the
manual and the preceding edition. Change bars are vertical rules placed in the right
margin of changed portions of text, figures, tables, examples, and so on. Change bars
highlight new or revised information. For example:
The message types specified in the REPORT clause are different in the COBOL85
environment and the Common Run-Time Environment (CRE).
The CRE has many new message types and some new message type codes for
old message types. In the CRE, the message type SYSTEM includes all
messages except LOGICAL-CLOSE and LOGICAL-OPEN.