Tuxedo 8.0 README for H06.03

XI. Known Problems List
1. Solution 10-021003-2177, Solution 10-021003-2178
When ENCRYPTBITS in $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini has a non-zero
value, for example, ENCRYPTBITS=40, then the Administrator for NonStop
Tuxedo (web GUI) client browser cannot log on to the server for the
Administrator. The client sees an error window with the message,
"Connection Failed!".
2. Solution 10-021007-2259
The tpgetrply() ATMI function does not work correctly with the
TPGETANY option flag in multi-contexted clients. tpgetrply(TPGETANY)
may discard reply messages intended for other contexts in the client
process. Then, when one of the other contexts calls tpgetrply(), it
will return TPETIME because the reply message is no longer available.
3. Solution 10-021008-2277
Encoding/decoding of CARRAYs between an 8.0 and 6.5 process is not
handled correctly. Upgrade the Tuxedo software for the processes
involved to the same release level.
4. Solution 10-021008-2284
Enqueuing and dequeuing nonpersistent messages larger than 30K bytes
may perform noticeably worse if multiple TMQUEUE servers have a queue
space open, instead of a single TMQUEUE server. This is because
requests to enqueue and dequeue on nonpersistent queues must be
forwarded to the first TMQUEUE server that opened the queue space, if
they were sent to a different TMQUEUE server originally. Messages
larger than 30K are compressed and/or transferred via temporary disk
files when being passed between the first TMQUEUE server and other
TMQUEUE servers.
5. Solution 10-021008-2294
The first TMQUEUE server that opens a queue space handles all
enqueuing and dequeuing requests for nonpersistent queues. Other
TMQUEUE and TMQFORWARD servers open this server and forward requests
for nonpersistent queues to it. If the first server terminates
normally, the remaining servers designate one of themselves to handle
nonpersistent queuing requests and switch their opens to it. There is
one open to the nonpersistent queuing server for each action
configured in each TMQUEUE server. Each open is switched separately,
causing unnecessary transactions and application log messages.
6. Solution 10-021008-2297
TMQUEUE servers use many more opens than necessary. Each action
configured in a TMQUEUE server has its own opens to the files in the
queue space configured for the server, even if only a portion of the
actions are ever in-use concurrently, and even if all enqueue and
dequeue requests processed by the server are for nonpersistent queues
(which do not use the files).
7. Solution 10-021008-2300
Nonpersistent messages ignore transactions. Specifically, a non-
persistent message that is enqueued in a transaction can be dequeued
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