ViewPoint Manual

Definition of ViewPoint Screens
ViewPoint Manual426801-001
Field Descriptions
3. Event Display. This field, which is not modifiable, tells you whether this
configuration applies to the primary display (PRIMARY) or to the alternate display
4. Collector or Log File. Name of the collector or log file used. This field is
modifiable for configuring only an Alternate Events screen. (For the Primary Events
screen, the collector name or names are preconfigured; you cannot change them
dynamically. However, they can be modified in the ViewPoint configuration, as
described in Section 7, Installation, Configuration, and Startup
You can specify up to five collectors (or one log file) in this field. If event
collection is from the primary collector in your local system, type $0 in this field.
To specify event collection from any other event collectors (or a log file), enter the
name (or names) in this field. Each name must be preceded by the name of the
system where that collector (or the log file) resides.
Enter multiple collector names as a list; the names must be separated by commas or
spaces. When remote collectors are named, ViewPoint retrieves events directly
from the collectors on the remote systems. When there are multiple collectors, the
EMS consumer distributor merges the events from the collectors rather than using
EMS forwarding distributors to forward the events to the local system.
Note that transferring unfiltered events from multiple collectors on remote systems
is less efficient than using forwarding distributors to forward filtered events to your
local system; such unfiltered transfers could significantly increase network traffic
and degrade response time on the network.
5. Filter Object File. Filters restrict events that are passed from the event collection
and distribution mechanism into your event cache. The filter used for the primary
display is not replaceable. You can, however, specify a filter for your alternate
display. Enter in this field the file name of the filter you want to use. To qualify the
file name, use the volume and subvolume names. Refer to the EMS Manual for
information about filters and how to create them. To pass information to the
specified filter, use page 2 of this screen (see Figure 3-5).
6. Event View. This field allows you to select any combination of event types
(normal, action, and critical) to be displayed on the screen. Normally, ViewPoint is
set to display all types of events.
For each event type, you can specify that all of them are or none of them is
displayed. In the case of action and critical events, you can specify that only
outstanding or acknowledged events are displayed.
You select the combination of events you want to display by inserting any character
under one of the appropriate options for each event type: All, Outstanding,
Acknowledged, or None. You can only mark one option for each event type.
Note. If you write a custom filter, include the default code for parameters to prevent
problems if a noncustom parameter is specified. You can copy this default code from
Figure 6-2 in Section 6, Customizing ViewPoint