G06.32.01 ReadMe

where <n> has a value 101 through 3600.
If a TLE limit is not set, the limit defaults to 3600.
No application process can allocate TLEs beyond the
default limit. An EMS event is generated when a
process tries to cross this limit. The format of the
EMS message is:
“TANDEM.NSK.D40 000129 TLE Limit 200 reached for Pin
285 Guardian filename \MANGO.$DSMSCM.SOL8524.SIGP0
The TLE limit can be altered online using the
above-mentioned SCF command. The current limit can
be queried by issuing the SCF INFO SUBSYS $ZZKRN command.
For more information, see the SCF Reference Manual for
the Kernel Subsystem.
o $ZHOME Process Enhancements
The EMS message for event 512 for the $ZHOME process is
now prefixed by the process name and process ID (cpu,pin)
of the process that writes to $0 via $ZHOME.
The EMS event number 512 is identified as WRITE-TO-0.
The format for EMS event 512 with this feature is:
<Generation-time><ZHOME Process-ID><Subsystem-ID>
The format for EMS event 512 without this feature is:
<Generation-time><ZHOME Process-ID><Subsystem-ID>
o Visual Inspect
Visual Inspect now allows encryption of the user name
and password using Triple Data Encryption Standard
(3DES)-based encryption algorithm.
o Safeguard Enhancements
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