H06.25 Software Installation and Upgrade Guide

One window opens with one CNSL and one CLCI session in it.
NOTE: If you are using OSM Low-Level Link version T0633G07^AAT or later, all four
windows are contained within a single MR-Win6530 session window (as opposed to the four
separate OutsideView sessions launched by earlier versions of the Low-Level Link.) Also,
MR-Win6530 hides the inactive Startup TACL and Event Stream windows, displaying only
the active ones.
If one or more of the startup event stream windows or startup TACL windows does not launch
on the system console after a few minutes (5 to 8 minutes), abort system startup, close the
OSM Low-Level Link, reboot the system console, and restart the system load using the OSM
Low-Level Link again.
6. Loading the System 117