H06.25 Software Installation and Upgrade Guide

Installing, configuring, and migrating to HP NonStop SQL/MX. The SQL/MX Installation and
Management Guide or SQL/MX Installation and Upgrade Guide provides step-by-step
instructions for installing and configuring NonStop SQL/MX. For information about migrating
a NonStop SQL/MX or NonStop SQL/MP database to an H-series RVU and falling the
database back to G-series RVUs, see the SQL Supplement for H-Series RVUs.
Installing and configuring the I/O adapter module (IOAM) enclosure and its components. See
your HP service provider.
Notation Conventions
General Syntax Notation
This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown.
Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
Italic Letters
Italic letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in
brackets are required. For example:
Computer Type
Computer type letters indicate:
C and Open System Services (OSS) keywords, commands, and reserved words. Type
these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
Use the cextdecs.h header file.
Text displayed by the computer. For example:
Last Logon: 14 May 2006, 08:02:23
A listing of computer code. For example
if (listen(sock, 1) < 0)
perror("Listen Error");
Bold Text
Bold text in an example indicates user input typed at the terminal. For example:
The user must press the Return key after typing the input.