H06.25 Software Installation and Upgrade Guide

These compiler versions provide the required command line options for running the Code Profiling
Starting in the H06.09 RVU, the Profile Merge Utility (T0747) and Code Cover Utility (T0746) are
included on the SUT and on the cross-compiler CD. Previously, the Profile Merge Utility was delivered
only on the SUT.
Safeguard Support for OSS Access Control List
The H03 and later versions of Safeguard and Standard Security are enhanced to support the OSS
Access Control List (ACL) feature. A new security group, SECURITY-OSS-ADMINISTRATOR, and a
new Safeguard configuration attribute, AUDIT-CLIENT-OSS, are provided to support this feature.
Fallback Considerations for OSS ACL
After fallback, the AUDIT-CLIENT-GUARDIAN attribute, which is a synonym for
AUDIT-CLIENT-SERVICE, is longer be applicable.
After fallback, if OSS-related operations are to be audited, enable the AUDIT-CLIENT-SERVICE
attribute if it is not already enabled.
To restore backup tapes from an H06.08 or later RVU to the H06.05, H06.06, or H06.07
RVU, you must install the T0744H01^AAA Backup/Restore 2 SPR. This SPR is required because
changes have been made to the information stored with each object. A Backup/Restore 2
SPR is not available for pre-H06.05 systems.
OSS Version 1 Filesets Not Supported
As of the H06.08 RVU, Version 1 filesets are not supported. You must upgrade Version 1 filesets
to Version 2 or Version 3 filesets.
The H06.08 RVU adds support for Access Control Lists (ACLs) for OSS regular files, directories,
first-in/first-out (FIFO) special files, and bound AF_UNIX sockets in OSS Version 3 filesets. To use
OSS ACLs, you must first migrate to the H06.08 or later RVU, then migrate your existing filesets
to Version 3 filesets. To migrate filesets, you must stop the OSS filesystem and the OSS environment
and use the fsck DIAGNOSE FILESET, UPGRADE command as described in the Open System
Services Management and Operations Guide.
To restore backup tapes from H06.08 and later RVUs onto H06.05 through H06.07 RVUs, you
must install the T0744 Backup/Restore 2 SPR. No T0744 Backup/Restore 2 SPR is available for
pre-H06.05 RVUs.
If you migrate from the H06.04 RVU, HP strongly recommends that you install DP2 fallback SPR
T9053H02^AQM before installing this RVU, in case a fallback becomes necessary. The DP2
fallback SPR is included on H06.05 and later SUTs.
To fall back, you must install the previous SPRs for the OSS products and for DP2. In addition, in
either of these cases, you must run fsck on the fileset to downgrade the fileset to Version 2:
If the fsck utility has been run on a fileset to upgrade to Version 3 filesets
If the fileset was created on a system running an H06.08 or later H-series RVU
When the fileset is downgraded to Version 2, any optional ACLs associated with the files in the
fileset are lost.
48 Installation, Migration, and Fallback Considerations