Replacing an ATM3SA CRU

Aborting an ATM3SA CRU
1 Abort the ATM3 ServerNet adapter (ATM3SA) CRU ADAPTER object and
its subordinate objects.
You can use SCF, the OSM Service Connection, or TSM Service
Application to perform this step.
Using SCF:
Use the SCF ABORT ADAPTER command with the SUB ALL option:
ABORT ADAPTER $<adapter-name>, SUB ALL
The SUB ALL option aborts the ADAPTER object and all its subordinate
Using OSM or TSM:
In the tree pane, select the ATM3SA CRU.1.
Select Display> Actions.2.
Click Abort.3.
Click Perform action.4.
2 Verify that the ATM3SA CRU ADAPTER object is in the STOPPED state.
Use the SCF STATUS ADAPTER command:
STATUS ADAPTER $<adapter-name>
The example shows the output of this command.