Replacing an ATM3SA CRU

1 Determine the TCP/IP processes, subnets, and Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses associated with the ATM line on the ATM3SA CRU.
Use the SCF INFO SUBNET command:
Scan the output of the command for the name of the ATM line object
associated with the ATM3SA CRU and then find the associated TCP/IP
processes, subnets, and IP addresses. Make a note of this information.
Note: The ATM line name is the same as the ATM3SA CRU (adapter)
The example shows the output of this command.
2 Identify the names of Expand-over-IP and Expand-over-ATM lines
configured on the system.
Use the following SCF LISTDEV command to display the single
Expand-over-IP and Expand-over-ATM lines:
Use the following SCF LISTDEV command to display the Expand-over-IP
and Expand-over-ATM lines that are part of a multiline path:
The example shows the output of this command.
3 Determine if any of the Expand-over-IP or Expand-over-ATM lines
configured on the system use the ATM3SA CRU.
Use the SCF INFO LINE command with the DETAIL option for each
Expand-over-IP and Expand-over-ATM line:
INFO LINE $<line-name>, DETAIL
For Expand-over-ATM lines, scan the output of the command for the name
of the ATM line. Make a note of the Expand-over-ATM lines that use the
ATM line.
For Expand-over-IP lines, scan the output of the command for the TCP/IP
process and IP address used by the Expand-over-IP line and then compare
this information to the TCP/IP processes and IP addresses that you found
in Step 1. Make a note of the Expand-over-IP lines that use these TCP/IP
processes and IP addresses.
The example shows the output of this command.