SMS Inventory Tool for HP ProLiant and Integrity Update User Guide

Smart Component information is not available without a direct Internet connection
Issue: Smart Component information is not available when the SMS server is connected through a DMZ
(a computer acting as a buffer between the server and the outside public network) to the FTP site. The
HTML file containing the software component information is referenced to the FTP site URL. If there is no
direct internet connection with the computer on which the component is installed, the component
description will be unavailable.
Workaround: None, informational only.
IA-64 and x64 platforms must be selected manually when creating a custom
package using the DSUW
Issue: When you create a custom package for IA-64 or x64 systems using the DSUW for component or
support pack updates, you must select the IA-64 or x64 platforms manually.
Workaround: In the SMS Administrator Console:
1. Select System Management Server>Site Database>Packages>Programs.
2. Right-click Programs, and select Properties.
3. In the Requirements tab, select This program can run only on specified client platforms.
4. Select the following checkboxes:
All IA64 Windows Server 2003 for IA64 system
All x64 Windows Server 2003 for x64 system
The Software Update status for components does not reflect newly installed
Issue: The scan tool can only detect the component status if the software and hardware are installed.
The scan tool cannot report status for hardware without HP software installed.
Workaround: Always install the entire support pack to ensure that required software is installed for all
supported devices.
Compliant status for support packs might not reflect actual system status
Issue: The scan tool can only detect status for components that are currently installed. The Compliant
status for the support pack might not reflect the actual system status. The scan tool reports Compliant status
for the support pack if all installed and detected component statuses are compliant.
Workaround: Always install the entire support pack to ensure required software is installed for all
supported devices.
Log files in 64-bit managed system contains incorrect path information
Issue: Log files generated by the scan tool contain incorrect path information when running on 64-bit
operating system. By default, 64-bit Windows® operating systems enable Directory Redirection for
several system directories, causing the scan tool to report incorrect information for some paths.
Workaround: None.
Troubleshooting 71