HP Insight Management WBEM Provider Events Reference Guide

Event DescriptionEvent
Event ID
The AC voltage to the power supply was lost or is out of range. Probable Cause: The
AC voltage was lost, or is the wrong range for the system. Recommended Action:
Verify the power supply is plugged in to the proper voltage for the system. WBEM
EventID: 140. WBEM ProviderName: SEL02_IndicationProvider.Warning757
The power supply AC voltage is out of range. Probable Cause: The AC voltage is
connected to the power supply, but it is not the voltage range required for the system.
Recommended Action: Connect the power supply to the proper voltage range. WBEM
EventID: 141. WBEM ProviderName: SEL02_IndicationProvider.Warning758
Invalid OS INIT checksum. Probable Cause: OS has registered a bad OS_INIT vector
or the data has been lost. Recommended Action: Reboot system to allow vector to
be re-registered. WBEM EventID: 4970. WBEM ProviderName:
Bad OS MCA checksum. Probable Cause: OS has registered a bad OS_MCA vector
or the data has been lost. Recommended Action: Reboot system to allow vector to
be re-registered. WBEM EventID: 200. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5002
BMC interface to IPMI failed. Probable Cause: BMC firmware has locked up or the
BMC is disabled. Recommended Action: Cycle system power and attempt boot again.
If error re-occurs contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 201.
WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5003
Boot cell launch EFI failure. Probable Cause: The system has failed to launch EFI
because of an internal error. Recommended Action: Reboot or update System FW. If
problem persists contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 203.
WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5010
Monarch selection failure. Probable Cause: An internal error has caused monarch
selection to fail. Recommended Action: Reboot. If problem persists contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 204. WBEM ProviderName:
CPU monarch collision. Probable Cause: Unexpected error has occurred during
monarch selection. Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your
HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 205. WBEM ProviderName:
Boot cell virtualize EFI failure. Probable Cause: An internal error has occurred that
prevented EFI from virtualizing. Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists
contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 207. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5023
Boot cell virtualize PAL failure. Probable Cause: SFW was unable to virtualize PAL.
Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative
for support. WBEM EventID: 208. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5025
Boot cell virtualize SAL failure. Probable Cause: SFW was unable to virtualize SAL.
Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative
for support. WBEM EventID: 209. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5027
Boot cell virtualize SALPROC failure. Probable Cause: SFW was unable to virtualize
SALPROC. Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 210. WBEM ProviderName:
CPU struct init failed. Probable Cause: A CPU has failed the configuration process.
Recommended Action: Replace CPU. If problem persists contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 211. WBEM ProviderName:
CPU failed early config. Probable Cause: A CPU has failed the early configuration
process. Recommended Action: Reboot. If problem persists contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 212. WBEM ProviderName:
Platform Events 13