HP Insight Management WBEM Provider Events Reference Guide

Event DescriptionEvent
Event ID
PSR fetch failure. Probable Cause: SFW tried to read the Processor Status Register
before the CPU data structure has been setup. Recommended Action: Reboot, if
problem persists contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 227.
WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5054
Cell halt. Probable Cause: Internal Error. Recommended Action: contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 228. WBEM ProviderName:
CPU PAL incompatible with cpu. Probable Cause: Incompatible PAL. Recommended
Action: Update SFW or change processors. WBEM EventID: 229. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5056
Slave is incompatible with monarch. Probable Cause: Incompatible processors.
Recommended Action: Replace processors. WBEM EventID: 230. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5057
Interrupt clear failure. Probable Cause: Interrupt clear failed. Recommended Action:
Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative for support. WBEM
EventID: 231. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5058
System Event Log (SEL) access failed. Probable Cause: An IPMI event has failed.
Recommended Action: Reset the BMC and reboot. If problem persists, contact HP
support to troubleshoot the problem. WBEM EventID: 232. WBEM ProviderName:
Trap taken. Probable Cause: This will follow other events indicating some type of
IVT error. Recommended Action: This event is for debugging the address, other
events will determine the user action. WBEM EventID: 233. WBEM ProviderName:
LDB State bad on entry. Probable Cause: No action is required. WBEM EventID: 234.
WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5063
Interrupt with ic bit clear. Probable Cause: Interrupt context was lost because the ic
bit was cleared. Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP
representative for support. WBEM EventID: 235. WBEM ProviderName:
Min-state registration failure. Probable Cause: Registering of the processor min state
save area with PAL has failed. Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists
contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 236. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5065
Boot monarch timed out. Probable Cause: The monarch has timed out. Recommended
Action: No action is required. Replace CPU if problem persists, system will reboot
after this event. WBEM EventID: 238. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5067
PAL_B not in FIT table. Probable Cause: Internal Error or ROM is corrupted.
Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative
for support. WBEM EventID: 239. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5069
SAL_B not in FIT table. Probable Cause: Internal Error or ROM is corrupted.
Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative
for support. WBEM EventID: 240. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5070
NVRAM test fail. Probable Cause: NVM is corrupt or bad. Recommended Action:
Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative for support. WBEM
EventID: 241. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5073
Interrupt vector out of range. Probable Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Recommended Action: Reboot, if problem persists contact your HP representative
for support. WBEM EventID: 242. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5076
Platform Events 15