HP Insight Management WBEM Provider Events Reference Guide

Event DescriptionEvent
Event ID
This indicates that it does not have any access to the PD. Probable Cause: Forward
Progress indicator; the cell will independently step through the error logging steps
before it resets itself. WBEM EventID: 427. WBEM ProviderName:
This indicates the loss of lockstep during the MCA path. Probable Cause: The cell
will take up a few more error logging steps independently before resetting itself.
WBEM EventID: 428. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5548
The PD level cell rendezvous failed. Probable Cause: This means that the cells will
independently step through some of the error logging code and then reset themselves.
WBEM EventID: 429. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5550
It stands for diagnosis of catastrophic errors in the PIN block of concorde. Probable
Cause: This means that the cell will be reset. WBEM EventID: 557. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5556
The cell monarch cpu has failed. Probable Cause: The monarch cpu will be
deconfigured. WBEM EventID: 1020. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5557
This indicates that the cell missed the rendezvous at the partition level. Probable
Cause: The cell will independently step through some of the error logging steps and
then finally reset itself. WBEM EventID: 559. WBEM ProviderName:
This means that the PD monarch timedout. Probable Cause: The cell will be reset ;
also the partition will be reset. WBEM EventID: 560. WBEM ProviderName:
SetViewRoot on a remote cell failed. Probable Cause: Inter Processor interrupts failed.
Be sure that the partition rendezvous was successfully completed. Reset. WBEM
EventID: 2452. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5560
Failed to update CSR contents. Probable Cause: Coherency controller on cell sending
event is suspect. Recommended Action: Provide event data to HP support center for
assistance. WBEM EventID: 2431. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5566
This indicates the failure in collecting the Complex profile info. Probable Cause: The
partition level memory interleaving cannot continue without the appropriate
information. WBEM EventID: 563. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5567
This chassis code indicates the failure in collecting the cell info. Probable Cause: The
partition level memory will fail. WBEM EventID: 564. WBEM ProviderName:
This indicates the failure in updating the GNI info of the cell with CLM. Probable
Cause: The partition level memory will fail at this point. WBEM EventID: 565. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5569
This indicates the failure in adjusting the mem info with Minimum ZI req. Probable
Cause: This will cause the partition level memory to exit cell interleaving. WBEM
EventID: 566. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5570
Complex Profile A has a checksum error. Probable Cause: Reconfigure the system
get a new complex profile distributed and reset. WBEM EventID: 2453. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5572
A Checksum error was encountered in the dynamic profile. Probable Cause: Push
out a new complex profile and reset. WBEM EventID: 1861. WBEM ProviderName:
A checksum error occurred on the Partition Profile. Probable Cause: Push out a new
complex profile and reboot. WBEM EventID: 1862. WBEM ProviderName:
The Stable Complex Profile Sequence Id is invalid. Probable Cause: Push out a new
complex profile and reset the system. The cell will be waiting for reconfiguration.
WBEM EventID: 2454. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Error5575
28 WBEM Provider Event Tables