HP Insight Management WBEM Provider Events Reference Guide

Event DescriptionEvent
Event ID
INIT: Monarch failed in slave rendezvous. Probable Cause: A processor has failed
rendezvous. Recommended Action: Reboot if necessary, if problem persists contact
your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 439. WBEM ProviderName:
MC: I/O error log/clear error. Probable Cause: SFW's Machine Check Handler was
unable to log or clear I/O error registers. Recommended Action: Reboot if necessary,
if problem persists contact your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 440.
WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5646
MC: MCA to BERR escalation not supported by PAL. Probable Cause: Cannot escalate
an MCA to BERR. Recommended Action: Analyze Machine Check Logs using
diagnostic tools and EFI tools. WBEM EventID: 441. WBEM ProviderName:
MC: MCA to BINIT escalation not supported by PAL. Probable Cause: Cannot escalate
an MCA to BINIT. Recommended Action: Analyze Machine Check Logs using
diagnostic tools and EFI tools. WBEM EventID: 442. WBEM ProviderName:
MC: Get PAL features failed. Probable Cause: SFW failed to get the feature set from
PAL. Recommended Action: Update firmware to get newer PAL that support the
PAL_GET_FEATUREs call. WBEM EventID: 443. WBEM ProviderName:
MC: Previous PAL rendezvous failed; rebooting. Probable Cause: PAL Failed to
rendezvous the processors during a MCA. Recommended Action: Review error logs
to determine cause of MCA. If problem persists, contact HP support to troubleshoot
the problem. WBEM EventID: 444. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5658
MC: Set PAL features failed. Probable Cause: SFW failed to set the feature set from
PAL. Recommended Action: update newer system firmware with the new PAL that
support the PAL_SET_FEATURES call. WBEM EventID: 445. WBEM ProviderName:
MC: Monarch failed in slave rendezvous. Probable Cause: A slave failed to
rendezvous. Recommended Action: Reboot if necessary, if problem persists contact
your HP representative for support. WBEM EventID: 446. WBEM ProviderName:
MC_RENDEZVOUS: Rendezvous vector out of range. Probable Cause: A bad
rendezvous vector has been registered. Recommended Action: Reboot if necessary
to re-register vector, if problem persists contact your HP representative for support.
WBEM EventID: 447. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5679
MC_RENDEZVOUS: No MC monarch. Probable Cause: Software is making a
SAL_MC_RENDEZVOUS call when it shouldn't. Recommended Action: Just a
warning that software or OS is making a call when it shouldn't. SFW will ignore the
call when this happen. Need to fix OS or software to not make the
SAL_MC_RENDEZVOUS when there is no monarch processor chosen. WBEM
EventID: 448. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5682
MC_RENDEZVOUS: No wakeup registered. Probable Cause: OS or Software is
calling SAL_MC_RENDEZ without registering a method to wake-up the processor.
Recommended Action: OS or Software needs to be fixed to register a wake-up
mechanism before calling SAL_MC_RENDEZ. WBEM EventID: 449. WBEM
ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5683
MC_RENDEZVOUS: MCA escalation not supported by PAL. Probable Cause: PAL
does not support the call to escalate further local MCA to global MCA. Recommended
Action: Update SFW with contain a new PAL that support this feature. If no new
PAL that support this feature, no action should be taken further. WBEM EventID:
450. WBEM ProviderName: FPL_IndicationProvider.Warning5684
Platform Events 31