nPartition Administrator's Guide, Second Edition

1. Log in to Windows running on the system that you want to shut down.
For example, access the system console and use the Windows SAC interface to start a
command prompt, from which you can issue Windows commands to shut down the the
2. Check whether any users are logged in.
Use the query user or query session command.
3. Issue the shutdown command and the appropriate options to shut down the Windows
Server 2003 on the system.
You have the following options when shutting down Windows:
To shut down Windows and reboot:
shutdown /r
Alternatively, you can choose the StartShut Down action and choose Restart from
the pull-down menu.
To shut down Windows and not reboot (either power down server hardware or put an
nPartition into a shutdown for reconfig state):
shutdown /s
Alternatively, you can choose the StartShut Down action and choose Shut down
from the pull-down menu.
To abort a shutdown (stop a shutdown that has been initiated): shutdown /a
For example:
shutdown /r /t 60 /c "Shut down in one minute."
This command initiates a Windows system shutdown-and-reboot after a timeout period of
60 seconds. The /c option specifies a message that is broadcast to any other users of the
Booting and Shutting Down Linux
This section has procedures for booting and shutting down Linux on cell-based HP Integrity
servers and a procedure for adding Linux to the boot options list.
To check whether the cell local memory (CLM) configuration is appropriate for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, refer to “Linux Support for Cell Local
Memory” (page 129).
To add a Linux entry to the nPartition boot options list refer to Adding Linux to the Boot
Options List” (page 130).
To boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux refer to “Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux” (page 131).
To boot SuSE Linux Enterprise Server refer to “Booting SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
(page 132).
To shut down Linux refer to “Shutting Down Linux” (page 134).
Linux Support for Cell Local Memory
On servers based on the HP sx1000 chipset or HP sx2000 chipset, each cell has a cell local memory
(CLM) parameter, which determines how firmware interleaves memory residing on the cell.
Booting and Shutting Down Linux 129