nPartition Administrator's Guide, Second Edition

-p partition
Show information about the specified nPartition.
Only display the Hyper-Threading information for supported
systems. If the -T option is used with other options, an error
occurs except when the -T option is used with its related
options. If the -T option is used on a non-supported system,
an error occurs.
-u username
Enhanced nPartition Commands only. Specifies the account
and authorization to access an nPartition other than the local
The -h option is required if this option is used.
username specifies a configured user name on the target
Enhanced nPartition Commands only. Allows access to the
complex specified by the -h option. The accessed complex is
then considered the target complex. Access is through the
service processor LAN port.The -h option is required if this
option is used.
-h IPaddress|hostname
Enhanced nPartition Commands only. This option is only used
in combination with either the -u or -g option.
IPaddress|hostname specifies the IP address or hostname of the
target nPartition (-u) or service processor (-g).
parstatus Command 259