HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4.2 Release Notes

5.2.3 The hpvmdevmgmt -r Command Might Report an Error When a Device is
Marked as EXIST=NO
On HP-UX 11i v3 VM Hosts, the device management report and repair function hpvmdevmgmt
-r might successfully complete, but generate one or more instance of the following error message
(one for each legacy device without a corresponding agile device name):
# hpvmdevmgmt -r
INFO - Analyzing all devices in /dev/rdsk for their device identification
strings. This may take a while.
hpvmdevmgmt: ERROR (host): Could not find an agile device name that
corresponds to the legacy device name: '/dev/rdsk/cxtxdxsx'.
This error might be reported when a device entry in /var/opt/hpvm/common/hpvm_mgmtdb
has been marked as no longer existing (attribute set to EXIST=NO). The report and repair function
attempts to examine all the disks it finds in /dev/rdsk and /dev/rdisk, looking for a match
between the stored World-Wide ID (WWID) for the device that no longer exists and a WWID of
a device that does exist.
If a legacy device (in /dev/rdsk or /dev/rscsi) is found on the VM Host that does not have
an agile-name device equivalent (in /dev/rdisk or /dev/pt), the error message might be
displayed for each device without a corresponding agile-named device.
You may safely ignore this error if you are not using the legacy device with any virtual machine.
5.2.4 An hpvmmodify Command Not logged in the command.log file for DVDs
When Guest Booted to EFI
You might receive the following note-level message in the /var/opt/hpvm/common/
command.log file under certain circumstances:
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss|NOTE|host|root|Unable to open file '/dev/rdisk/diskxxx' - Device busy.
This note might be logged if,:
A guest is configured with an attached scsi burner:
resource: -a burner:scsi:[b,d,t]:attach:pass-through-device-path
The guest is then booted to EFI.
Then the hpvmmodify command is run to add a device or remove a device other than the
You may safely ignore this note.
5.2.5 Running the hpvmdevtranslate Script
Running the hpvmdevtranslate script produces a new copy of the Integrity VM device database
that is missing the default restricted directories, such as /etc and /stand. To restore the default
restricted directories, run hpvmdevmgmt -I either immediately after you run the
hpvmdevtranslate script or after you run the hpvm_dev_convert script that is generated
by the hpvmdevtranslate script. The hpvmdevtranslate Command Can be Used to Translate Devices Like SecurePath
and AutoPath
The hpvmdevtranslate command can be used to translate devices like SecurePath and AutoPath
after starting Integrity VM Version 4.0 on HP-UX 11i v3. The devices are translated to agile
devices if they have legitimate WWIDs in the /var/opt/hpvm/common/hpvm_mgmtb_pre1131
device database file. Error Comments from hpvmdevtranslate Command
The hpvmdevtranslate command creates ERROR messages for all devices used by guests that
have WWID set to WWID_NULL. This message indicates that no translation could be done.
5.2 Known Issues and Information 57