HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-2540, December 2012)

NOTE: Hyperthreading was not enabled by default on legacy systems.
Enabling or disabling Hyperthreading on HP Superdome 2 using the GUI
To enable or disable hyperthreading on HP Superdome 2 using the GUI:
1. Log into the OA GUI.
2. Select the nPartition in the System and Devices tab.
3. Click Modify nPartition.
4. Click Advanced Settings.
5. Check or clear Enable Hyperthreading.
6. Click Apply.
Hyperthreading is enabled or disabled depending on whether you check or clear the Enable
Hyperthreading option.
Enabling or disabling Hyperthreading on HP Superdome 2 using the CLI
To enable hyperthreading on HP Superdome 2, run the following command:
parmodify -p <nParId> -T y
To disable hyperthreading on HP Superdome 2, run the following command:
parmodify -p <nParId> -T n
Where, nParId can be either the nPar name or the nPar number.
NOTE: After hyperthreading is enabled for an nPartition, it is still necessary to configure the
operating system of that partition to use it. For HP-UX, this means changing the value of the kernel
parameter lcpu_attr to 1.
Socket Local Memory
On the HP Superdome 2 systems, memory controllers are associated with the processor sockets.
Locality-specific resources such as memory and CPUs, which were assignable as cell-specific
resources on legacy systems are now socket-specific resources. Therefore, the locality-specific
memory in an HP Superdome 2 system is referred to as a Socket Local Memory (SLM) and the
locality-specific processor cores are referred to as Socket Local Processors (SLP).
SLM can be specified as a blade resource attribute when creating nPartitions. The remaining
available memory after specifying SLM is specified automatically as Interleaved Memory (ILM).
For more information, see “Blade resource attributes” (page 20).
Blade resource attributes
With HP Superdome 2 nPartitions, blade attributes are specified using the parcreate and
parmodify commands.
The blade resource attributes are:
20 Getting started with nPartitions