HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-2540, December 2012)

The partition runstates displayed by the status commands and GUI display the actual state of the
partition varying from a firmware boot state to a state where an operating system has successfully
booted in a partition. Table 3 (page 26) lists the runstates for an nPartition.
Table 3 RunStates for nPartition
The partition is inactive and powered off.DOWN
A boot operation has been initiated for this partition.ACTIVATING
The boot process is in the firmware boot phase for this partition and the partition has
transitioned into the active status.
The partition is at the EFI shell.EFI
The boot process has started booting the operating system in this partition.OSBOOT
The OS in this partition is booted and running.UP
A shutdown/reboot/reset operation has been initiated on this partition.SHUT
The partition is being deactivated (powered down) as part of a shutdown or reboot
A partition reset is in progress.RESETTING
A machine check (MCA) has occurred in the partition and is being processed.MCA
An INIT ( or TOC) operation on the partition is being processed.INIT
This is a partition definition in an alternate parspec.ALT_DEFINED
The nPartition is either running or is ready to run virtual partitions.RUN_VPARS
The status is not known. This may reflect an error condition or a transitionary state while
partition states are being discovered.
An inactive nPartition can be in the DEACTIVATING, RESETTING or MCA RunStates, if it encounters an error or is
interrupted during the activation process.
Support for partition discovery at run-time
This section describes about partition discovery such that a partition that is in DETACHED state
during the OA firmware boot can be discovered as a normal nPar. For example, consider the
following scenarios:
Scenario 1 - Delay in blade getting integrated during OA reboot.
When the OA is getting initialized, the blade is still not yet integrated. After the blade gets integrated
the partitioning subsystem discovers this nPar as ACTIVE.
Scenario 2: If the nPar is in any transient state.
For example, If nPar is in ACTIVATING state during OA reboot, it is possible that the nPar can be
declared as DETACHED.
When there are any state changes in the nPar, the partition comes DOWN or UP to a stable state
and partitioning subsystem completes rediscovery of this nPar in that stable state. If in case, the
partition keeps moving from one state to the other during the discovery process, it will cease
discovery and abort the process and retain the nPar state as DETACHED.
26 Getting started with nPartitions