HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-2540, December 2012)

-d cpu::num syntax (deletion by total), or
-d socket:{socket_path}:cpu::num syntax (deletion by total in a specific socket), or
-d cpu:hw_path syntax (deletion by resource path)
Any CPU can be deleted by-path, regardless of how it was assigned. If you delete by-path a CPU
that was assigned by-count, the count of system assigned CPUs will be reduced. If you delete
by-path a CPU that was assigned by-socket, the SLP count for that socket will be reduced.
If you delete CPUs by-count, the OS will choose the optimal CPU to delete, from all the CPUs in
the vPar, regardless of how the CPU was assigned to the vPar. This will delete CPUs that were
assigned by-path or by-socket. If a delete by-count removes CPUs that were assigned by-path, the
count of user-assigned CPUs will be reduced. If a delete by-count removes CPUs from a socket that
had SLP assignments, the SLP count for that socket will be reduced.
If you delete CPUs by-socket, the OS will choose the optimal CPU in the socket to delete, from all
the CPUs in that socket assigned to the vPar, regardless of how the CPU was assigned. This will
delete the CPUs that were assigned by-path or by-count. If a delete by-socket removes a CPU that
was assigned by path, the count of user-assigned CPUs will be reduced.
You cannot modify a vPar when it is at EFI. You can modify cores in an active vPar, but not memory,
ioslots, or min or max IA.
For example,
In this example, the Partition 1:1 is UP and has cores assigned
by-path, by-count and by-socket:
vparstatus -vp 1:1
[CPU Details]
Min/Max: 4/50
User assigned [Path]: 2/8/1/1
Boot processor [Path]: 1/1/0/0
System assigned [Path]: 1/1/0/0
User assigned [Count]: 2
System assigned [Count]: 5
Socket-specific [Count]: Socket-ID/Count
2/8/0 3
We request a deletion of one core by-count:
vparmodify -p 1:1 -d cpu::1
vparmodify: Operation initiated successfully. Please run vparstatus with
-v option to determine the completion status of the operation.
Planning Your Virtual Partitions 81