HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator Guide (includes A.05.07) (5900-1229, September 2010)

Because this command affects another virtual partition
(winona2), if the local virtual partition winona1 is a not a
designated-admin virtual partition, the command will not
be successful.
designated-admin virtual partition
This is the list of virtual partitions that are currently set as
designated-admin virtual partitions. If a virtual partition
is in this list or added to this list, it is a designated-admin
virtual partition. If a virtual partition is not in this list or
is deleted from this list, it is a non-designated-admin virtual
partition. How to add or delete virtual partitions from this
list is discussed in a later section.
Whenever the flexible administrative capability mode is
set to ON, the designated-admin virtual partition list will
be empty.
flexible administrative capability
When this mode is set to ON, only designated-admin
virtual partitions are allowed to successfully execute vPars
commands that affect other partitions. For example, in the
winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -a cpu::1
this command will check whether the local virtual partition
(winona1) is a designated-admin virtual partition or if the
target partition is the local partition. If either condition is
true, the command is executed. If not, the command is
denied execution. How to set the mode is discussed in a
later section.
By default, the flexible administrative capability mode is
flexible administrative capability
From the vPars Monitor prompt, when setting the flexible
administrative capability mode to ON, you will be
prompted to set a flexible administrative capability
From the HP-UX shell, if a superuser attempts to add or
delete a virtual partition from the designated-admin virtual
partition list, the superuser will be prompted for the flexible
administrative capability password that was set.
When the flexible administrative capability mode is OFF,
there is no flexible administrative capability password.
This designated administration feature relies on high
quality passwords that are not easily guess-able, so choose
a password wisely.
Terms and Definitions 297