HP-UX Virtual Partitions Administrator's Guide (includes A.03.05 and A.04.05)

Float Float memory can be added to as well as deleted from a virtual partition while the virtual
partition is up or down.
To specify float memory, you must append :float or :f to the memory assignment
specification (see below). The only exception is if you are deleting a user-specified
range of memory added as float, as memory ranges are unique.
Therefore, if you wish to add and delete memory online (while the virtual partition
is up), you must specify :float or :f on the command line when you assign the
memory; if you do not specify :float or :f on the command line, that memory will be
assigned as :base (the default) in which case you will not be able to delete the memory
online. This is also true when you assign memory during the creation of a virtual
partition. If you do not specify :float during the creation of the virtual partition, all
memory assigned to the virtual partition will be considered as base.
When you wish to delete float memory online, you must also specify :float or :f on
the command line; otherwise, because :base is the default, you will be attempting to
delete base memory, which is not allowed.
When you wish to delete float memory offline, you must also specify :float or :f on
the command line; otherwise, because :base is the default, you will be deleting base
There are no minimum requirements of vPars for float memory assigned to a virtual
NOTE: Memory is bound to a virtual partition when the virtual partition is booted, when
memory is added online, and when assigned using an explicit user-specified range. Memory
acquires the base or float attribute only when it is bound to a virtual partition. The available
memory ranges within the monitor that are not bound to any virtual partition do not have any
base or float attribute.
Memory ranges assigned by the vPars Monitor, both ILM and CLM, cannot be deleted online.
Only user-assigned ranges of float memory can be deleted online.
The table below summarizes what you can do with each type of memory.
Table 6-1 Allowed Memory Migration Operations
Float MemoryBase Memory
DeleteAddDeleteAddvPar State
AllowedAllowedNot AllowedAllowedUP
Syntax for Assigning (Adding) and Deleting Base and Float Memory
The resulting syntax to specify memory as either float or base is:
-a|d mem::size[:b[ase]|f[loat]]
-a|d cell:cell_ID:mem::size[:b[ase]|f[loat]]
-a|d mem:::base:range[:b[ase]|f[loat]]
Memory: Concepts and Functionality 179