Installing and Managing HP-UX Virtual Partitions (includes A.04.01)

Monitor and Shell Commands
Boot||Shut: Single-User Mode
Chapter 5
Boot||Shut: Single-User Mode
It is occasionally necessary to boot HP-UX into single-user mode to diagnose issues with networking or other
components. On a non-vPars server, you do this by using the -is option at the ISL prompt:
ISL> hpux –is
On a vPars server, you can boot a virtual partition into single-user mode either at the Monitor prompt or at
the HP-UX shell prompt of a running partition.
For example, if we wanted to boot winona2 into single user mode:
From MON>
From the Monitor prompt, specify the -is option as an argument to vparload.
MON> vparload -p winona2 -o "-is"
From HP-UX shell prompt
From the HP-UX shell prompt of another virtual partition, specify the -o option with the vparboot
winona1# vparboot -p winona2 –o “-is”
NOTE To boot a virtual partition, the partition must be in the down state. If the partition is in the
hung state, perform the following before executing the vparboot:
1. Turn off autoboot for the target partition:
winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -B manual
2. Attempt to reset the target partition with the -t option (soft reset):
winona1# vparreset -p winona2 -t
3. If it still appears to be hung, reset it with the -h option (hard reset):
winona1# vparreset -p winona2 -h
4. Continue verifying the state until vparstatus shows that winona2 is in the down state:
winona1# vparstatus -p winona2 -v | grep -E "Name|State"
Name: winona2
State: down
After you have entered into single-user mode and if you want to turn autoboot back on, the
command is:
winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -B auto