Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Integrity Linux, December 2005

Understanding Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Integrity Linux
Planning the LVM Layout for Clustered SAP Environments
Chapter 122
NOTE This filesystem layout closely relates to the SAP installation
recommendations. A major difference is the addition of an instance
specific /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS<INSTNR> and
/usr/sap/<SID>/D<INSTNR> mountpoints that allow to move instance
specific data with the Serviceguard instance package.
/usr/sap/<SID> should not be added to a package, since using this as a
dynamic mountpoint would prohibit access to the instance directories of
locally installed additional SAP application servers. The
/usr/sap/<SID> mountpoint will also be used to store local SAP
executables. This prevents problems with busy mountpoints during
database package shutdown. Due to the size of this directory, it should
not be part of the root filesystem. The /usr/sap/tmp might or might not
be part of the root filesystem. This is the working directory of the
operating system collector process saposcol. The size of this directory
will rarely be beyond a few Megabytes.
In clustered SAP environments it is mandatory to use local copies of the
SAP executables. Local executables limit the dependencies between the
SAP package and the database package of a two package installation to a
minimum. They allow SAP packages to shutdown even if HA NFS is not
available. To automatically keep the local executables of any instance in
sync with the latest installed patches, SAP developed the sapcpe
mechanism. With every startup of an SAP instance, sapcpe matches the