Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Integrity Linux, December 2005

Step by Step Installation of SGeSAP on Integrity Linux for SAP WAS Central Instances
Application Configuration
Chapter 2 85
SAP WAS ABAP Configuration
Logon as <sid>adm on the primary node on which the Central Instance
has been installed. The appropriate Serviceguard package should still
run on this host in debug mode.
IS980 Installation Step:
Change into the profile directory by typing the alias:
In the DEFAULT.PFL change the following entries and replace the
hostname with the relocatable name. For example:
SAPDBHOST = <relocdb>
rdisp/mshost = <relocci>
rdisp/sna_gateway = <relocci>
rdisp/vbname = <relocci>_<SID>_<INSTNR>
rdisp/enqname = <relocci>_<SID>_<INSTNR>
rdisp/btcname = <relocci>_<SID>_<INSTNR>
rslg/collect_daemon/host = <relocci>
If you are using the one package concept use <relocdbci> instead of
<relocdb> or <relocci>. Never use server LAN addresses for any of these
IS990 Installation Step:
In the <SID>_DVEBMGS<INSTNR>[_<primary>] profile add or modify the
following entries:
SAPLOCALHOST = <relocci>
SAPLOCALHOSTFULL = <relocci>.<domain>
OS995 Optional Step:
If you want to use the DB-Reconnect functionality, some entries need to
be added to:
/sapmnt/<SID>/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS<INSTNR>[_<primary>] and
Instance Profiles of all application servers that use DB-Reconnect.
When configuring the DBRECONNECT feature use the following OSS
notes 109036, 98051 and 24806. For example: