Cloud bursting with HP CloudSystem Matrix infrastructure orchestration: Matrix-to-Matrix, HP Matrix KVM Private Cloud, HP Cloud Services, and Amazon EC2

Capacity pool definition file EC2 adapter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
This file defines EC2 capacity pools. A capacity pool definition appears as a
Cloud Resource in the server inventory. Add, remove, and modify Resources elements
as necessary to represent cloud resource capacity.
For each Resources element:
- The Id value is used to locate the corresponding capacity pool configuration file.
For example, the configuration for a capacity pool with Id "sample-ec2-pool"
would be found in the file "". The Id value is
also used to access provisioned resources and must not be modified when the
pool is in use.
- The Name value is used as the Cloud Resource name for display purposes.
- The Provider value is the name of the underlying provider of the cloud resources.
- The ProviderConsoleUrl, if specified, provides a convenience link from the Cloud
Resource in the Matrix infrastructure orchestration Console to the cloud
provider console.
<CapacityPool xmlns="">
<Resources xsi:type="CloudCapacityPool" xmlns:xsi="
<Name>Sample EC2 capacity pool</Name>
<Provider>Amazon EC2</Provider>
Pool properties file
For more information about the highlighted values in this section, see the "Value examples" table that follows the sample file.
# This file specifies the properties for an Amazon EC2 capacity pool
# defined in ec2-cloud-pools.xml.
# The API endpoint used to interact with the cloud provider.
# Note: The use of an HTTPS endpoint may require a cloud provider certificate
# to be added to the trust store. Retrieve the root certificate (e.g.,
# VeriSign Trust Network) from the provider and place it in a file. Add it to
# the trust store using the command "mxcert -t -f <certificate-file>".
# Specify proxy settings if required to access the provider API endpoint
# Access Key ID for the Amazon AWS account
# An mxpassword entry must be created with this key name, containing the
# account Secret Access Key value associated with the Access Key ID.
# Use the command "mxpassword -a -x <key>=<aws-secret-access-key>", where
# in this example the <key> is "ec2-account-1".
# ID of a pre-configured VPC into which to provision resources. If defined,
# the capacity pool specifically targets the specified VPC and cannot be used
# to provision resources to an EC2 availability zone.
# An ID used to correlate AWS accounts (and availability zone names
# specifically) across cloud capacity pools. It does not need to contain an
# actual account name. The value appears in EC2 subnet IDs; it is not used
# if is defined.