HP CloudSystem Matrix/Matrix Operating Environment 7.0 Integration Interfaces API and CLI Operations Reference Guide

A specified SAN volume ID was not recognized.
The SAN volume ID that was not recognizedString sanVolumeId
A specified SAN volume template ID was not recognized.
The SAN volume template ID that was not recognizedString sanVolumeTemplateId
A specified compute resource is in use and cannot be un/assigned from/to an organization.
The ID of the compute resource that is in useString serverResourceId
A specified server pool name was not recognized.
The server pool name that was not recognizedString serverPoolName
No server pool was found containing a specified resource ID.
The resource ID that was not found in a server poolString resourceId
A specified compute server or VM host ID was not recognized.
The compute server or VM host ID that was not recognizedString serverId
A specified service name was not recognized.
The service name that was not recognizedString serviceName
A specified software ID was not recognized.
The software ID that was not recognizedString softwareId
A specified subnet ID was not recognized.
The subnet ID that was not recognizedString subnetId
48 Exceptions