Introduction to Integrity Virtual Machines

More flexibility and faster deployment
Integrity VM manifests configuration flexibility in multiple dimensions as illustrated above. Virtual CPU
configuration is extremely flexible, offering multiple virtual single-CPU servers and SMPs on the same
physical server. Integrity VM also provides flexibility in configuring I/O devices, highlighted in Figure
5. To facilitate better hardware utilization, virtual machines can be configured to share a physical
network interface card using a virtual network switch. For situations where the virtual machine
requires dedicated access, Integrity Virtual Machines software provides the capability to dedicate one
or more devices to a virtual machine.
Figure 5. Integrity VM provides superior flexibility in configuration of I/O devices
This flexibility is complemented by Integrity VM’s ability to deploy a new virtual machine or server in
minutes. New virtual servers do not require dedicated hardware cards or CPUs. Virtual I/O,
including disk, networking, and DVD, is supported in several ways. For example, a virtual disk can
be mapped to a physical disk, logical volume, SAN, or file on the host server.
Users with privileged access can create, deploy, monitor, and perform overall virtual machine
management from the host server. You manage virtual machines with either a full set of command-line
interfaces or the web-based user interface.