Server workflows for HP Matrix Operating Environment

Figure 5: Get Inventory workflow
1. To add more servers not managed through Virtual Connect, edit the inventoryList.xml adding new
<nodeAttributes> as appropriate.
2. The Adding a new server type section summarizes the changes for a new server type across the workflows.
Further Improvements:
The reference implementation uses a file-based approach for inventory purposes. If there is need for a large pool of
servers, the information could be held in a database (perhaps a formal CMDB, or information extracted from a
CMDB). The workflows would need to be modified to handle database operations appropriately (i.e., retrieving UUID
information and using it to index into other server information such as model information, LAN/SAN connectivity,
remote management IP and credentials, etc.).
Get Server Info
Description: The GetServerInfo workflow (shown in Figure 6) looks up the server detailed information based on the
supplied UUID (which was obtained by Matrix OE via the GetInventory workflow). This GetServerInfo workflow is
invoked on a periodic basis to maintain a view of server information.
The server inventory file, serverinfo.xml, located under C:\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
orchestration\esa_extensions\server has the detailed information for the servers.
The details of the server information are based on esa-server-model-1.0.xsd.
Before passing back the server information for a given UUID, the workflow retrieves the power status of the
server and updates the serverinfo.xml file. This information enables Matrix OE to know the current power status
of a server (useful when performing power operations).
In case the power status command fails to retrieve power status information, the old power status in the
serverinfo.xml file is retained and will be returned.
The expected values for powerOn status in the serverInfo.xml file are:
o true: If the server power is ON
o false: If the server power is OFF