HP Insight Virtual Machines Manager 4.1.1 Release Notes

VM Properties General tab meters might incorrectly report “No Data
Applies to usage with: Both Insight Dynamics and HP SMH Standalone
The “VM CPU Utilization”, “Network I/O”, and “Storage I/O” meters on the VM Properties
General tab might display No data while the corresponding meters on the VM Host Virtual
Machines tab do display data. (The meter on the VM Host Virtual Machines tab that displays
VM CPU Utilization is actually labeled as the “VM vCPU Utilization” meter.)
Workaround The values shown by the meters on the VM Host Virtual Mac hines tab are correct.
Documentation errors and limitations
This section describes errors, omissions, and limitations in the HP Integrity Virtual Machines
Manager 4.1.1 Software: User Guide and the VM Manager help. For this release, there are no known
documentation errors, omissions, or limitations.
Documentation errors and limitations 9