HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.2: Installation, Configuration, and Administration

hpvmupgrade: Assists an Integrity VM upgrade.
p2vassist: Moves a system workload from a discreet server to a virtual machine. Runs
on the VM Host.
All commands except hpvmconsole require superuser privileges.
To use Integrity VM commands on the guest, install the guests management software as described
in HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration.
HP Integrity Virtual Machines was developed by HP.
On the VM Host:
hpvmclone(1M), hpvmcollect(1M), hpvmconsole(1M), hpvmcreate(1M),
hpvmdevinfo(1M),hpvmdevmgmt(1M), hpvmdevtranslate(1M), hpvmhostrdev(1M), hpvminfo(1M),
hpvmmigrate(1M), hpvmmodify(1M),, hpvmnet(1M), hpvmpubapi(3), hpvmremove(1M), hpvmresources(5),
hpvmsg_move(1M), hpvmsg_package(1M), hpvmstart(1M), hpvmsar(1M)hpvmstatus(1M), hpvmstop(1M),
On the Integrity VM guest:
hpvmcollect(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmgmt(1M), hpvmpubapi(3)