HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.2: Installation, Configuration, and Administration

hpvmsg_package(1M) Assists the user with developing and managing Serviceguard package
hpvmstart(1M) — Describes how to start virtual machines.
hpvmstatus(1M) — Describes how to get statistics about the guests.
hpvmstop(1M) — Describes how to stop a virtual machine.
hpvmupgrade(1M) Examines the current Integrity VM server system to determine whether
any virtual machines will have difficulty booting after the upgrade to the next Integrity VM
p2vassist(1M) — Describes how to move applications from one server to another.
On the HP-UX guest, the following manpages are provided:
hpvmcollect(1M) — Describes how to collect virtual machine statistics.
hpvmdevinfo(1M) — Reports about storage for a virtual machine.
hpvminfo(1M) — Describes how to get information about the VM Host.
hpvmmgmt(1M) — Describes how to manage dynamic memory from the guest.
hpvmpubapi(3) — Describes several new public APIs.
On the Linux guest, the following manpages are provided:
hpvmcollect(1M) — Describes how to collect virtual machine statistics.
hpvminfo(1M) — Describes how to get information about the VM Host.
hpvmpubapi(3) — Describes several new public APIs.
HP-UX provides the gvsdmgr utility, which manages AVIO HBAs. For information about the
gvsdmgr utility, see the HP-UX gvsdmgr (1M) manpage.
1.7.2 Help Files
The virtual machine console is a special interface for managing guests. To start the virtual console
after you create a guest, enter the hpvmconsole command and specify the guest name. For help
using the virtual console, enter the HE command. For more information about the virtual console,
see Section 9.5 (page 150).
1.8 Using This Manual
This manual provides all the information you need to install Integrity VM, create virtual machines,
install and manage guests, and use all the features of Integrity VM. Table 1-1 describes each
chapter in this manual.
Table 1-1 Chapters in this Manual
Read if...Chapter
You are new to HP Integrity Virtual Machines.Chapter 1: “Introduction” (page 17)
You are installing the HP Integrity Virtual Machines
Chapter 2: “Installing Integrity VM” (page 27)
You are setting up new virtual machines on your VM
Host system.
Chapter 3: “Creating Virtual Machines” (page 43)
You are creating virtual machines that will run the HP-UX
operating system.
Chapter 4: “Creating HP-UX Guests” (page 65)
You are creating virtual machines that will run the
Windows operating system.
Chapter 5: “Creating Windows Guests” (page 71)
You are creating virtual machines that will run the Linux
operating system.
Chapter 6: “Creating Linux Guests” (page 81)
24 Introduction