HP Logical Server Management Best Practices

Logical server names
When creating a logical server through the wizard, the administrator is able to specify various names, as shown in
Figure 2. The Logical Server Name is a brief descriptive string, while the Description field can provide more detail.
Logical servers are defined within a specific portability group, and the name must be unique within that scope. This
name is distinct from the hostname that will be applied to the server once it has an Operating System installed.
Subsequent sections include more information on portability groups and provide best practices for selecting
hostnames for logical servers.
Figure 2 also demonstrates the Managed Resource Name. Based on the type of logical server being created (Virtual
Connect blade or virtual machine), this name will be used for the underlying Virtual Connect profile name, or the
virtual machine name. Specifying a value can enable a system administrator to correlate this logical server with the
entries visible in other management interfaces. If no value is specified, an appropriate name will be constructed.
Figure 2: Create logical server
Portability group names
A portability group is a group of physical or virtual systems among which a logical server can move. HP Matrix
Operating Environment defines the following default portability groups:
- Each Virtual Connect domain group
- All ESX hypervisors
- All Hyper-V hypervisors
- All Integrity VM hypervisors
- All servers not using Virtual Connect (managed via Operations Orchestration workflows)
The names of these default portability groups cannot be changed, but the administrator can define additional
portability groups. From the grey menu bar, select Modify, then Logical Server Portability Groups… and use
the Create Group button. For example, perhaps it is valuable to have a portability group for a specific set of ESX
hypervisors. The name of the portability group should be chosen to reflect that grouping in a meaningful way (e.g.,
perhaps including the name of a specific ESX cluster).
When defining the portability group, the administrator can optionally supply a description, will be asked to define the
type of group (e.g., Server with Virtual Connect, ESX, Hyper-V, Integrity Virtual Machine host), and will select the
members of the group. When viewing portability groups while defining a logical server, HP Matrix Operating
Environment will include the type(s) of the group in parentheses at the end of the name.