HP Insight Orchestration 6.3 User Guide

The inventoryList.xml” file is read from the file system and its contents are then sent directly
to the ESA web service. The ESA web service processes the returned XML document and hands it
back to Logical Server Management (LSM), which functions as the upper level inventory manager.
LSM will then make a second workflow call for each server.
..\Program Files\HP\Insight Orchestration\esa_extensions\server\
The file serverInfo.xml contains a detailed definition for each of the servers declared in the
inventoryList.xml” file. The following example is a definition for an HP rack mount server.
The <handle/> and <uuid/> elements tie this entry back to the “inventoryList.xml” file and
must match.
The <localStorageList/> element is used to declare a single direct attach boot disk that is 68 GB
in size.
The <networkInterfaceList/> element is used to declare the set of one or more NICs for the server.
It is critical that both the <macAddress/> and the <networkInterfaceName/> be correctly specified.
Specifically, the <networkInterfaceName/> correcsponds to a named network from the Insight
Orchestration Networks tab. This declares which named network the NIC is attached to within the
data center.
42 Configuration