Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA A.05.01

Limitations of the rolling upgrade for Metrocluster
The following are the limitations of the rolling upgrade for Metrocluster:
The cluster or package configuration cannot be modified until the rolling upgrade is complete.
If the configuration must be edited, upgrade all nodes to the new release, and then modify
the configuration file and copy it to all nodes in the cluster.
New features of the latest version of Metrocluster cannot be used until all nodes are upgraded
to the latest version.
More than two versions of Metrocluster cannot run in the cluster while the rolling upgrade is
in progress.
The rolling upgrade procedure cannot be used as a means of using multiple versions of
Metrocluster software within the cluster. HP recommends that all cluster nodes are immediately
upgraded to the latest version.
HP Serviceguard cannot be deleted on any node when the rolling upgrade is in progress in
the cluster.
Upgrading replication management software
Upgrade the replication management software that is used by Metrocluster. In Metrocluster with
Continuous Access EVA, the array management softwares are running in a separate windows box,
therefore you can upgrade them independently without affecting the running Metrocluster with
Continuous Access EVA.
Upgrading the HP-UX WBEM Services for Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA
Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA uses HP-UX WBEM Services software to communicate
with the SMI-S server that manages the P6000/EVA disk arrays. You can update HP WBEM
Services without halting the cluster or Metrocluster packages on any of the nodes. Metrocluster
communicates with this software when the Metrocluster packages are starting up. So, avoid
Metrocluster package failover until all nodes in the Metrocluster are upgraded to the same version
of HP WBEM Services.
Upgrading the Site Controller package
When using Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA A.05.00 or later, you can upgrade the Site
Controller Package to use the Metrocluster modules. By upgrading the Site Controller Package,
the environment file parameters will be included in the Site Controller Package configuration file.
The Metrocluster environment file need not be edited or distributed to all the nodes. For more
information on configuring Site Controller package in modular style see Configuring Site Controller
package using Command Line Interface (page 46).
To upgrade the Site Controller Package in a cluster:
1. Upgrade the Site Controller Package to the latest version of Metrocluster.
# cmmakepkg -u <pkg_file> -m dts/sc <output_pkg.ascii>
2. Add Metrocluster module to the Site Controller package configuration file.
# cmmakepkg -i <output_pkg.ascii> -m dts/mccaeva -t
<path_to_env_file> <migrated_output_pkg.ascii>
3. Validate the package configuration file.
# cmcheckconf -P <migrated_output_pkg.ascii>
4. Apply the package configuration file.
# cmapplyconf -P <migrated_output_pkg.ascii>
68 Administering Metrocluster