Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with Continuous Access XP P9000 for Linux B.12.00.00

MON_NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY <frequency of notification message>
If you want to receive notification messages over e-mail, specify the fully qualified e-mail
address. You can specify multiple e-mail address separated by a comma.
If you want notification messages to be logged in the syslog file, uncomment the
MON_NOTIFICATION_SYSLOG variable and set it to 1. If the variable is not set, the
default value is 0.
If you want notification messages to be logged on the system's console, uncomment the
MON_NOTIFICATION_CONSOLE variable and set it to 1. If the variable is not set, the
default value is 0.
If you want an automatic resynchronization upon link recovery, uncomment the
AUTO_RESYNC variable and set it to either 1 or 2. If the variable is not defined or
commented, the default value of 0 is used.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 0 (DEFAULT), the monitor will not try to do the resynchronization
from PVOL to SVOL. This setting will only send notifications.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 1, the monitor will split the remote BC if one is configured
from the mirror group before trying to do the resynchronization from PVOL to SVOL.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 2, the monitor will only do the resynchronization from PVOL
to SVOL when it finds the MON_RESYNC file in the package directory on the node that
the package is running. The monitor will not manage the remote BC prior to and after
the resynchronization. Use this setting if you want to manage the BC. To enable the
Continuous Access resynchronization for AUTO_RESYNC=2, it is necessary to create a
file using the Linux command touch. For Example,
# touch <dts_pkg_dir>/MON_RESYNC
CAUTION: If the Continuous Access links are still down while the monitor is trying to
do the resynchronization and another failure occurs that causes a remote failover to the
secondary site, the SVOL’s BC volumes will remain split from its mirror group. This will
only occur if the monitor is configured to perform automatic resynchronization using
b. Un-comment the service parameters for the Device Group Monitor and provide a unique
name to the service_name parameter. Do not edit the service_cmd parameter. It is
auto generated.
For Example:
service_name mcxpca_dgmonitor
service_cmd "/usr/sbin/DRMonitorXPCADevGrp
service_restart none
service_fail_fast_enabled no
service_halt_timeout 300
If you do not want the package to fail upon device group monitoring failures, you can
set the service_restart to unlimited.
4. Validate the package configuration file.
# cmcheckconf -P temp.config
5. Apply the package configuration file.
# cmapplyconf -P temp.config
Installing and configuring an application 23