HP MPX200 Mutifunction Router Command Line Interface User Guide (5697-2512, May 2013)

All attribute values that have been changed will now be saved.
Updates the router’s firmware image and cleans up (removes) the image files in the router’s /var/
ftp directory.
Admin session
image {cleanup | list [<file>] | unpack [<file>]}
cleanup removes all firmware image files in the router’s /var/ftp directory. These are files
transferred by the user when updating the router’s firmware image.
list {<file>} lists the firmware image files in the router’s /var/ftp directory.
unpack {<file>} unpacks the firmware image file specified in the <file> parameter and installs
the firmware image on the router. Prior to using this command, you must transfer the firmware
image file to the router’s /var/ftp directory using FTP. To activate the new firmware, you must
reboot the router.
The following example shows the image cleanup command:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image cleanup
The following example shows the image list command:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image list
Image Location Image File
-------------- ----------
Blade 1 (local) mpx-200-3_0_0_5.bin
The following example shows the image unpack command:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> image unpack MPX200-2_0_0_1.bin
Unpack Completed. Please reboot the system for FW to take effect.
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot the System (y/n): y
System will now be rebooted...
Adds, modifies, and removes an initiator in the router’s database.
Admin session
initiator {add | mod | remove}
image 25