HP MPX200 Mutifunction Router Command Line Interface User Guide (5697-2512, May 2013)

Verifies the connectivity of management and GE_Ports. This command works with both IPv4 and
Admin session
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> ping
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow. Enter a
new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value. If you
wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list press 'q' or
'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6) [] fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279
Iteration Count (0=Continuously) [0 ] 10
Outbound Port (0=Mgmt, 1=GE1, 2=GE2, ...) [Mgmt ]
Size Of Packet (Min=1, Max=65486 Bytes) [56 ]
Pinging fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279 with 56 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.4ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.3ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.3ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.2ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.3ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.3ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.7ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.2ms
Reply from fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279: bytes=64 time=0.2ms
Ping Statistics for fe80::217:a4ff:fe99:c279:
Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 9, Lost = 1
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0.2ms, Maximum = 0.7ms, Average = 0.3ms
Exits the CLI and returns you to the login prompt. (Same as the exit command.)
The quit command behaves differently depending on whether you at the chassis or blade
management level.
At the chassis management level, quit returns you to the login prompt. The following example
shows the quit command for the chassis:
MPX200 <1> (admin) #> quit
34 Command reference