Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.0 (April 2011)

Fabric OS Command Reference 15
Displays the Admin Domain configuration stored in persistent memory
(defined configuration).
Displays the currently enforced Admin Domain configuration currently
enforced (effective configuration).
EXAMPLES To enable AD5:
switch:admin> ad --activate 5
You are about to activate a new admin domain.
Do you want to activate '5' admin domain \
(yes, y, no, n): [no] y
To enable AD_13:
switch:admin> ad --activate AD_13
To add new device members to AD1:
switch:admin> ad --add AD1, -d "100,5; 4,1"
To apply all changes made to the Admin Domain configurations since --apply was last executed:
switch:admin> ad --apply
You are about to enforce the saved AD configuration.
This action will trigger ad --apply to all switches \
in the fabric.
Do you want to apply all admin domains \
(yes, y, no, n): [no] y
To clear all Admin Domain definitions:
switch:admin> ad --clear
You are about to delete all ADs definitions.
This operation will fail if zone configurations \
exists in AD1-AD254
Do you want to clear all admin domains \
(yes, y, no, n): [no] y
To create an Admin Domain with a mix of D,PI, WWNs, and zone alias device members (two different
methods shown):
switch admin> ad --create "AD1", \
-d "100,5; 1,3; 20:00:00:e0:8b:05:4d:05"
switch admin> ad --create 1, \
-d "100,5; 1,3; 21:00:00:e0:8b:05:4d:05"
To create an Admin Domain with two switches identified by domain ID and switch WWN:
switch:admin> ad --create "AD1", \
-s "100; 10:00:00:60:69:80:59:13"
To create an Admin Domain with a device list and a switch list:
switch:admin> ad --create "AD1", \
-d "100,5; 1,3; 21:20:00:00:e0:8b:05:4d:05" \
-s "100; 10:00:00:60:69:80:59:13"