Neoview Database Administrator's Guide (R2.2)

The width of the field will be equal to x+2 to account for the sign and decimal point,
regardless of whether the source column is signed or unsigned. The field will be padded
with leading blanks as needed.
The width of the field will be equal to x+2 to account for the sign and decimal point,
regardless of whether the source column is signed or unsigned. The field will be padded
with leading blanks as needed.
24 charactersFLOAT
24 charactersDOUBLE
15 charactersREAL
10 charactersDATE
8 characters + (N + 1 where N > 0). For example, TIME(1) would be 10 charactersTIME(N)
19 + (N + 1 where N > 0). For example, TIMESTAMP(1) would be 21 charactersTIMESTAMP(N)
Depends on the actual interval, and will include one character for a sign to allow for
negative intervals
Null characters
For fixed-width output, use the nullChar (-nc) argument to specify the character to be used
to represent the null character. This character will be the first character in the output field for
that column, with the remaining characters filled with blanks.
Character Set Conversion
Use the cSetConversion (-cc) argument to request character set conversion to UTF-8 format,
or to write data without performing any character set conversion.
Delimited Output Data
Record format
Use the fieldDelimiter (-fd) argument to specify the field delimiter and the
recordDelimiter (-rd) argument to specify the record delimiter.
Trimming Trailing Blanks
Use the rightTrim (-tm) argument to request that trailing blanks for CHAR and VARCHAR
fields be removed. Leading blanks are never trimmed. If the field is all blanks, the resulting field
will be a single blank character enclosed in double quotes.
Null values
A null value will be represented as two adjacent field delimiters.
Character Set Conversion
Use the cSetConversion (-cc) argument to request character set conversion to UTF-8 format,
or to write data without performing any character set conversion.
Date and Time fields
Extracted data for date and time columns will be in the external format provided as the result
of executing the extract query. For example, if the extract query is
the extracted data’s date would be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. Use any of the embedded date
and time functions supported by SQL to format the output for date and time columns in the
source table.
126 Using the Neoview Loader