Neoview Database Administrator's Guide (R2.2)

4 Planning Your Database
This chapter describes:
“Guidelines for Database Administrators” (page 33)
“Neoview SQL Table Options” (page 33)
Guidelines for Database Administrators
CREATE TABLE statement
You can create partitioned and nonpartitioned tables. When you create a partitioned
table, the table is automatically partitioned across all the disk volumes on the system.
To create a non-partitioned table using Neoview Script, specify the NO PARTITION
option with the CREATE TABLE command.
You cannot create partitioned tables that do not specify a primary key. The primary
key is always the clustering key for the partitioned table.
If you use the DB Admin CREATE TABLE wizard and provide a maximum table size,
or use a CREATE TABLE statement with a maximum table size clause, the space allocated
for the system is based on the maximum table size.
If you do not provide a maximum table size in either the DB Admin CREATE TABLE
wizard or in a CREATE TABLE statement, these are the table size defaults:
Partitioned TablesNonpartitioned
Maximum Table
Initial Table SizeMaximum Table
Initial Table SizeTable Creation
76 GB * number of
100 MB * number of
76 GB100 MBDB Admin
150 GB * number of
100 MB * number of
statement and
CREATE INDEX statement
You can create indexes with DB Admin or with Neoview Script. DB Admin builds a
CREATE INDEX statement that uses the same partitions as the base table. If you do not
specify the hash partitioning columns, the default is the same partitioning column or
columns as the base table for a non-unique index, and for all the columns in the index
for a unique index. Neoview Script supports the same functionality.
When you create an index using DB Admin, it automatically uses the NO POPULATE
option, and schedules a POPULATE INDEX operation. With Neoview Script, if you are
creating an index on an empty table, use the POPULATE option. For tables that contain
data, use the NO POPULATE option and follow that with a POPULATE INDEX.
Currently the POPULATE INDEX command allows you read access to your table but
you cannot update the table while the operation is going on.
For details about data types for your database, see Appendix A (page 139).
Neoview SQL Table Options
DB Admin allows these Neoview SQL table options:
Guidelines for Database Administrators 33