HP NetServer Installation Guide for the HP NetRAID-4M and Microsoft Cluster Services with Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition

HP NetRAID-4M Cluster Services Installation Guide Cluster Software Components and Quorum
25. Select the NTFS format option and enter the volume name (e.g.: Quorum).
NOTE When formatting partitions for a container using the Disk Administrator utility,
Quick Format is an option. The NetRAID-4M controllers disk verify (with
badblock repair) and container consistency check operations, which run in the
background, will find (and repair) any bad blocks not detected during the quick
format operation. (When the controller is busy, formatting partitions for a
container can take a long time.)
26. Click Start.
27. Once the format is complete, click OK, then Close.
28. Right-click on the new NTFS partition and click Assign drive letter.
29. Select a drive letter. Q is commonly used to designate a quorum drive.